(E-Book) Genetics: From Genes to Genomes 8/e

(E-Book) Genetics: From Genes to Genomes 8/e

售價 $ 1,000
  • 電子書
  • ISBN:9781266379956
  • 作者:Michael Goldberg, Janice A. Fischer, Leroy Hood, Leland Hartwell
  • 版次:8
  • 年份:2024
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:電子書
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Genetics: From Genes to Genomes represents a new approach to an undergraduate course in genetics. It reflects the way the authors currently view the molecular basis of life. The eighth edition emphasizes both the core concepts of genetics and the cutting-edge discoveries, modern tools, and analytical methods that will keep the science of genetics moving forward.
Table of Contents
PART I Basic Principles: How Traits Are Transmitted
1 Mendel’s Principles of Heredity
2 Extensions to Mendel’s Laws
3 Chromosomes and Inheritance
4 Sex Chromosomes
5 Linkage, Recombination, and Gene Mapping

PART II What Genes Are and What They Do
6 DNA Structure, Replication, and Recombination
7 Mutation
8 Using Mutations to Study Genes
9 Gene Expression: The Flow of Information from DNA to RNA to Protein

PART III Analysis of Genetic Information
10 Digital Analysis of DNA
11 Genome Annotation
12 Analyzing Genomic Variation

PART IV How Genes Travel on Chromosomes
13 The Eukaryotic Chromosome
14 Chromosomal Rearrangements
15 Ploidy
16 Bacterial Genetics
17 Organellar Inheritance

PART V How Genes Are Regulated
18 Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes
19 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes
20 Epigenetics

PART VI Using Genetics
21 Manipulating the Genomes of Eukaryotes
22 Genetic Analysis of Development
23 The Genetics of Cancer

PART VII Beyond the Individual Gene and Genome
24 Variation and Selection in Populations
25 Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits
Leland Hartwell, Fred Huthinson Cancer Center
Michael Goldberg, Cornell University
Janice Janice Fischer, University of Texas at Austin

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