(eBook) Intercultural Communication in Contexts 8/e
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- 電子書
- ISBN:9781264364060
- 作者:Judith N. Martin, Thomas K. Nakayama
- 版次:8
- 年份:2022
- 出版商:McGraw-Hill
- 頁數/規格:電子書
- 參考網頁:Intercultural Communication in Contexts 8/e
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Intercultural Communication in Contexts examines communication in multicultural relationships and provides the tools for effective communication amid cultural, ethnic, and religious differences in domestic and global contexts. Students are introduced to the primary approaches for studying intercultural communication along with a theoretical and practical framework for applying the approaches in their own lives.
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Intercultural Communication in Contexts examines communication in multicultural relationships and provides the tools for effective communication amid cultural, ethnic, and religious differences in domestic and global contexts. Students are introduced to the primary approaches for studying intercultural communication along with a theoretical and practical framework for applying the approaches in their own lives.
Table of Contents
Part I: Foundations of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 1: Why Study Intercultural Communication?
Chapter 2: The Study of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 3: Culture, Communication, Context, and Power
Chapter 4: History and Intercultural Communication
Part II: Intercultural Communication Processes
Chapter 5: Identity and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 6: Language and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 7: Nonverbal Codes and Cultural Space
Part III: Intercultural Communication Applications
Chapter 8: Understanding Intercultural Transitions
Chapter 9: Popular Culture and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 10: Culture, Communication, and Intercultural Relationships
Chapter 11: Culture, Communication, and Conflict
Chapter 12: Striving for Engaged and Effective Intercultural Communication
Part I: Foundations of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 1: Why Study Intercultural Communication?
Chapter 2: The Study of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 3: Culture, Communication, Context, and Power
Chapter 4: History and Intercultural Communication
Part II: Intercultural Communication Processes
Chapter 5: Identity and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 6: Language and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 7: Nonverbal Codes and Cultural Space
Part III: Intercultural Communication Applications
Chapter 8: Understanding Intercultural Transitions
Chapter 9: Popular Culture and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 10: Culture, Communication, and Intercultural Relationships
Chapter 11: Culture, Communication, and Conflict
Chapter 12: Striving for Engaged and Effective Intercultural Communication
Judith N. Martin, Arizona State University
Thomas K. Nakayama, Northeastern University
Thomas K. Nakayama, Northeastern University