(E-Book) Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 9/e
- 電子書
- ISBN:9781260289084
- 作者:Kang-tsung Chang
- 版次:9
- 年份:2019
- 出版商:McGraw-Hill
- 頁數/規格:電子書
- 參考網頁:Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 9/e
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Introduction toGeographic Information Systems, 9th edition is designed to provide students in a first orsecond GIS course with a solid foundation in both GIS concepts and the use ofGIS. Introduction to GIS strikes a careful balance between GIS concepts andhands-on applications. The main portion of the chapter presents GIS terms andconcepts and helps students learn how each one fits into a complete GIS system.At the end of each chapter, an application section with 2-7 tasks presentsstudents with actual GIS exercises and the necessary data to solve the problem.
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Step 1 登入會員 非東華網站會員,請點選右上角『註冊』。
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Introduction toGeographic Information Systems, 9th edition is designed to provide students in a first orsecond GIS course with a solid foundation in both GIS concepts and the use ofGIS. Introduction to GIS strikes a careful balance between GIS concepts andhands-on applications. The main portion of the chapter presents GIS terms andconcepts and helps students learn how each one fits into a complete GIS system.At the end of each chapter, an application section with 2-7 tasks presentsstudents with actual GIS exercises and the necessary data to solve the problem.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Coordinate Systems
3 Vector Data Model
4 Raster Data Model
5 GIS Data Acquisition
6 Geometric Transformation
7 Spatial Data Accuracy and Quality
8 Attribute Data Management
9 Data Display and Cartography
10 Data Exploration
11 Vector Data Analysis
12 Raster Data Analysis
13 Terrain Mapping and Analysis
14 Viewshed and Watershed Analysis
15 Spatial Interpolation
16 Geocoding and Dynamic Segmentation
17 Least Cost Path and Network Analysis
18 GIS Models and Modeling
1 Introduction
2 Coordinate Systems
3 Vector Data Model
4 Raster Data Model
5 GIS Data Acquisition
6 Geometric Transformation
7 Spatial Data Accuracy and Quality
8 Attribute Data Management
9 Data Display and Cartography
10 Data Exploration
11 Vector Data Analysis
12 Raster Data Analysis
13 Terrain Mapping and Analysis
14 Viewshed and Watershed Analysis
15 Spatial Interpolation
16 Geocoding and Dynamic Segmentation
17 Least Cost Path and Network Analysis
18 GIS Models and Modeling
Kang-tsung Chang-University of Idaho