(eBook) Flow In Open Channels 5/e

(eBook) Flow In Open Channels 5/e

  • ◉ VitalSource
    ◉ 閱讀期限:Lifetime
售價 $ 1,000
  • 電子書
  • ISBN:9789353166342
  • 作者:K Subramanya
  • 版次:5
  • 年份:2020
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:電子書
  • 參考網頁:Flow in Open Channels 5/e
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This edition of Flow in open Channels has been pruned to cater to undergraduate students of Civil Engineering as well as post graduate students studying Open Channel Hydraulics. Besides it will also be useful to aspiring and practicing engineers in various other fields such as Agriculture and Environment. The book fulfills the syllabi requirement of majority of Indian universities. Offering enriched content based on learning objectives, well-structured layout, and a strong pedagogy, it includes questions from competitive examinations as well.
Salient Features :
  • New! Introducing a chapter on Dimensional Analysis and Simulation
  • New! Objective questions for competitive examinations as per new pattern
  • New! Design of Supercritical Flow Expansion revised to reflect current practices.
  • New! Design equations proposed by USACE described and explained with elaborate examples
  • Simplified, up-to-date and wide topical coverage.
  • Special focus on building effective problem-solving skills.
  • Supported with well-selected and exhaustive pedagogy, marked with levels of difficulty
    • 172 Solved Examples
    • 334 Practice Problems
    • 243 Objective-type Questions
    • Free online resources for instructors and students
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Energy-Depth Relationships
Chapter 3. Uniform Flow
Chapter 4. Gradually Varied Flow Theory
Chapter 5. Gradually Varied Flow Computations
Chapter 6. Rapidly-Varied Flow-1:Hydraulic Jump
Chapter 7. Rapidly Varied Flow-2
Chapter 8. Spatially Varied Flow
Chapter 9. Supercritical-Flow Transitions
Chapter 10. Unsteady Flows
Chapter 11. Hydraulic of Mobile Bed Channels

Chapter 12. Dimensional Analysis and Simulation
Dr. K. Subramanya retired as Professor of Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Mysore University and a Master’s degree from the University of Madras. Further, he holds another Master’s degree and PhD degree from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He has taught at IIT Kanpur for over 30 years and has extensive teaching experience in the area of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering. During his tenure at IIT Kanpur, Dr. Subramanya worked as Visiting Faculty at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, for a short while.

He has authored several successful books for McGraw Hill Education (India). Besides the current book, his other works with MHE (India) include Engineering Hydrology (4th ed., 2013), Hydraulic Machines (2013), Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines—Problems and Solutions (2011). Dr Subramanya has published and presented over 80 technical papers in national and international journals and conferences respectively. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers (India), Fellow of Indian Society for Hydraulics, Member of Indian Society of Technical Education and Member of Indian Water Resources Association.

The Indian Society for Hydraulics conferred the Prof. R J Garde Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Subramanya in 2012 for his contribution in education and research related to Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Engineering.

Currently, he resides in Bangalore and is active as a practicing consultant in Water Resources Engineering. He can be contacted at subramanyak1@gmail.com.

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