American Grammar Goals (2) Student's Book with eBook and Student's Resource Center Pack
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9781035137688
- 作者:Nicole Taylor, Michael Watts
- 版次:1
- 年份:2014
- 出版商:Macmillan Publishers
- 頁數/規格:79頁/平裝彩色
- 參考網頁:American Grammar Goals
American Grammar Goals
Go for Gold!
Grammar Goals is a new six-level grammar series for children aged 6-12 years. It presents and practises grammar in lively and meaningful age-appropriate contexts that reflect pupils' real lives and interests. Linked to the Cambridge and Trinity external exam syllabuses, Grammar Goals offers regular exam-style practice tasks in the Pupil's Books.
The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - bronze, silver and gold - helping students reflect on their progress and aim for higher goals.
Student’s Book Packs
The American Grammar Goals Student’s Book Packs include a Student’s Book and a CD-ROM. The Student’s Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice & writing development section and reference material. The American Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities that support the material covered in each unit.
Teacher's Edition Pack
American Grammar Goals Teacher's Book Pack includes the Teacher's Book and the Class Audio CD. The Teacher's Book has full lesson notes for every unit of the Student's Book, along with extra activities and photocopiable material. The Audio CD includes all the audio necessary and the webcode gives teachers access to a wealth of extra information.
American Grammar Goals
Go for Gold!
Grammar Goals is a new six-level grammar series for children aged 6-12 years. It presents and practises grammar in lively and meaningful age-appropriate contexts that reflect pupils' real lives and interests. Linked to the Cambridge and Trinity external exam syllabuses, Grammar Goals offers regular exam-style practice tasks in the Pupil's Books.
The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - bronze, silver and gold - helping students reflect on their progress and aim for higher goals.
Student’s Book Packs
The American Grammar Goals Student’s Book Packs include a Student’s Book and a CD-ROM. The Student’s Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice & writing development section and reference material. The American Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities that support the material covered in each unit.
Teacher's Edition Pack
American Grammar Goals Teacher's Book Pack includes the Teacher's Book and the Class Audio CD. The Teacher's Book has full lesson notes for every unit of the Student's Book, along with extra activities and photocopiable material. The Audio CD includes all the audio necessary and the webcode gives teachers access to a wealth of extra information.
- Clearly contextualised language makes grammar practice meaningful and purposeful
- Visually appealing, interactive grammar boxes focus on form, meaning and use in a clear, child-friendly way
- Cross-curricular topics link grammar to everyday life and teach students about the world around them
- Practice tasks are carefully staged and graded to build confidence and accuracy and give students a sense of progress, completion and achievement
- Activities develop young learner competencies, including thinking skills, social skills and learner autonomy
- A specially designed writing syllabus teaches key writing skills and strategies
- Regular exam-style activities practise task types from the Cambridge Young Learners English Exams
- The Grammar Workout CD-ROM provides 50 interactive activities to review and consolidate the grammar and vocabulary from the Student's Book
- Excellent teacher support is provided via the Teacher's Book and Teacher's Website, balancing the requirements of more traditional teachers with a realistic and manageable approach to grammar